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Sara's fitness vlog - A little collection of comic strips

Just a bunch of comic strips from our silly webcomic "Sara's Fitness Vlog". They're quick and funny!

Sara is a lycan lady that loves workout... and murder. Are you ready to become fit and strong with her?
Then follow her advice and live some new fabulous fit-adventures!

(She can't talk human languages while in this form, and she's practically stuck like this, that's why she has subtitles!)

More strips can be read on Tapas, here:

If you don't have a barbell in your homegym, there are many other things that you can lift! For example, your husband.

If you don't have a barbell in your homegym, there are many other things that you can lift! For example, your husband.

These times are tough. Become tougher than them!

(This is a comic strip simpler than usual, but it's also self-indulgent ... we need some encouragement. These are tough times.)

These times are tough. Become tougher than them!

(This is a comic strip simpler than usual, but it's also self-indulgent ... we need some encouragement. These are tough times.)

The first guest is Morgawr, a cool (and mad) pirate gnoll that loves violence. Guess what she and Sara have in common...

The first guest is Morgawr, a cool (and mad) pirate gnoll that loves violence. Guess what she and Sara have in common...

Our dear Sara is very proud of her strength. Be like her! Also, she doesn't care about the law. Or other people's lives. Don't be like her.

Our dear Sara is very proud of her strength. Be like her! Also, she doesn't care about the law. Or other people's lives. Don't be like her.

Don't let the advertising and the boys tell you why you should workout, girls. Let a murder werewolf lady tell you why!

Don't let the advertising and the boys tell you why you should workout, girls. Let a murder werewolf lady tell you why!

Today's exercise is the overhead press! Let's do it lycan style. 
 This exercise helps build muscular shoulders with bigger arms, and is  one of the most difficult compound upper-body exercises. Don't skip it!

Today's exercise is the overhead press! Let's do it lycan style.
This exercise helps build muscular shoulders with bigger arms, and is one of the most difficult compound upper-body exercises. Don't skip it!

Summer is coming, people!

How you behave in the heat? Are you like Mark, who can't move, or like Sara, an indestructible tank that doesn't care about the temperature?

Summer is coming, people!

How you behave in the heat? Are you like Mark, who can't move, or like Sara, an indestructible tank that doesn't care about the temperature?

. Yeah, this sums up very well Sara's personality XD

. Yeah, this sums up very well Sara's personality XD

Sara is a smart predator. 

(But Harry is the one who will lose weight. One way or another.)

Sara is a smart predator.

(But Harry is the one who will lose weight. One way or another.)

Some lycans' sense of humor can be somewhat destructive. And when Sara and Mica are together... well, you can see it. Mica and Boris (aren't they cool?) belong to our patron, friend and fellow artist Aria-Suna-Kunoichi.

Some lycans' sense of humor can be somewhat destructive. And when Sara and Mica are together... well, you can see it. Mica and Boris (aren't they cool?) belong to our patron, friend and fellow artist Aria-Suna-Kunoichi.

They call it "full moon madness". (And why Harry is not affected?).

Today is full Moon, for the first time in Sara's fitness vlog! Do you ever have this terrible hunger for proteins when the Moon is full? Yes? Because we do...

They call it "full moon madness". (And why Harry is not affected?).

Today is full Moon, for the first time in Sara's fitness vlog! Do you ever have this terrible hunger for proteins when the Moon is full? Yes? Because we do...

The guest characters in this episode belong to our patrons DarkEros (Norbu and Nimbus) and Aria-Suna-Kunoichi (Mica, the grey werewolf).

The guest characters in this episode belong to our patrons DarkEros (Norbu and Nimbus) and Aria-Suna-Kunoichi (Mica, the grey werewolf).